Bail Bond Blog

Do All States Allow Bail Bonds?

Do All States Allow Bail Bonds?

Since 1898, when Peter McDonough established America’s first bail bond agency in San Francisco, the bail bond business has flourished as a commercial enterprise in the United States. The idea of bail as a for-profit enterprise, however, has come under fire in recent years, as many other nations such as Australia, India, and South Africa … Continued

What Jail is like

What to Expect (And How to Act) in Jail

Your first experience being arrested can be confusing and even scary, especially if you don’t know what to expect. Here are a few things to keep in mind that can make your time in jail easier. Jail vs. Prison The terms “jail” and “prison” are often used interchangeably, but in fact, they are two very … Continued

The Five Highest Bail Amounts in U.S. History

The Five Highest Bail Amounts in U.S. History

Since America’s first bail bond agency opened in 1898, bond amounts have varied widely, from as little as a dollar to sums in the billions—yes, billions. Given that the purpose of bail is to ensure that a defendant makes all appointed court dates, courts have decided that some wealthy defendants require extreme incentives. Here are … Continued

drinking and driving, DUI, designated driver, dui checkpoints, holiday dui, drinking and driving laws

Designated Driver Alternatives for the Holidays

  The holidays are fast approaching, and with them come office parties, family celebrations, and New Year’s Eve gatherings – all where alcohol is served. The penalties for driving under the influence in Georgia are steep, and the potential human costs of a DUI accident cannot be tallied. Why risk a wreck or arrest during what … Continued

sobriety testing, rights,

Field Sobriety Testing—Your Rights And Responsibilities

  In 2017, Georgia authorities convicted 22,955 motorists of driving under the influence (DUI).1  If that number startles you, it should. Both local and state police are always on the lookout for impaired drivers. And while nobody wants to be pulled over by the police for suspicion of driving while impaired or intoxicated, if it … Continued

cosigning bond, cosigning bail, arrest, arrest cosign

What To Know Before Cosigning A Bail Bond

  It’s late and you get a call from a friend or family member. They’ve been arrested and can’t make bail without your help. They’re asking that you act as a cosigner on their bond. You want to help but you are unsure of your rights and responsibilities. Here are a few things you should … Continued

Is The Bail Process Different For Immigrants?

Is The Bail Process Different For Immigrants?

  The detention of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. has become an issue of national importance. The number of foreign nationals detained by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has increased dramatically under the current administration, so it’s more important than ever to understand your rights if you are arrested and detained by ICE.    … Continued